Superior Quality

CannaBliss Pure CBD Oil

Full Spectrum Tinctures

Our Columbia Pure CBD Oil Tincture Drops contain our Full Spectrum phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil. Simple and safe, take day or night for your ideal serving of Full Spectrum Pure CBD Oil Tinctures.

All our Columbia Pure CBD Oil Tinctures contain our Pure CBD Oil in bottles that are 1oz (30ml). Our tinctures do not contain alcohol.


 Pure CBD Oil Tinctures


$44.95 - $129.95

CBD tincture contains our formulated pure cbd oil, that comes in liquid form and has a very potent cannabidiol content. Tinctures are CBD-rich hemp flowers in high-proof grain alcohol, then cooking over low heat for multiple hours. Vinegar or glycerin, in lieu of alcohol, but alcohol really does produce the best tincture in the end. It’s time-consuming but very simple.

Once the liquid is ready, ours is mixed with a sweet tasting carrier oil like orange/lemon (citrus) or peppermint. On its own, full spectrum CBD oil can be very bitter. The final product should be potent, with a very high CBD content and no more than 0.3% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). When shopping, keep in mind that pure CBD oil varies greatly from a cannabis tincture, which has all the cannabinoids including THC. A CBD tincture will not be psychoactive, meaning it won't get you high.

Many customers can’t get past the bitterness, so they mix it with food and beverages. It’s most commonly added to soup, salad dressing, coffee, and tea. Others take it sublingually, meaning underneath the tongue. Research suggests that substances taken sublingually by the body faster than with other oral methods.